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The COM features


What are COM features?

eMedia Card Designer is not only an end-user application. The main executable is also a COM Server that fully integrate the latest technologies for external control.

Using a compiled program, build with Microsoft™ Visual Basic™, Microsoft™ Visual C++™ or from scripts built with Microsoft™ Office components (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, etc), or from scripts in Microsoft™ Internet Explorer™ or from Windows Scripting, you have the ability to take control over the full interface and integrated features of eMedia Card Designer.

In that way, with less than 10 lines of code, your own program or script may launch eMedia, open a card, fill-in the objects and print the plastic card. And, as all the process may be transparent to the user, this one doesn't know how was the card printed.

Do you want to add card printing features to your own software?

Do you want to retrieve a card printed from your database?

Do you want to create your own software that would edit plastic cards with magnetic strip encoding or smart card encoding?

To these questions, the response is: eMedia Card Designer and its COM features. You will just have to write some lines of code to take control over the software from your own program.

Creating a COM client

To create your software that will take control over of eMedia Card Designer:

  1. Download the COM server SDK from the download section of this internet web site,

  2. Read the documentation (also enclosed in the SDK),

  3. Develop your own software.

The following must be developed in your own code to control eMedia:

  1. Add a reference to the eMedia Type Library,

  2. Define an object in your code,

  3. Instanciate eMedia and store the result in your object. This one IS now eMedia,

  4. Use the eMedia COM functions.

Now, launch your program, and execute your code. Your card will be printed without any human action, giving to your application the ability to print cards, with magnetic strip and smart card encoding features.

Other features

There are two other ways to extend the capabilities of eMedia Card Designer: expressions and plug-ins. Depending on your development skills and on your needs, you may explore these ways:

You are a card designer, able to create formulas in your favorite spreadsheet?
Learn how expressions may help you.

You have some development skills, able to create simple applications using Microsoft™ Visual Basic™ or Microsoft™ Visual C++™?
Learn how plug-ins may help you.

All these ways may help you to obtain really intelligent cards, or to use eMedia Card Designer as a card printing tool inside of your own solution.

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